Saturday, April 11, 2020

Self-care Saturday: How-To Exercise & Stay Healthy (for People Who Hate to Work Out)

  I always say I hate indoor exercise, but that's not entirely true. The kids and I totally adore our rock climbing gym...or gyms, since it's a network of Central Rock Gym locations all over the northeast region of the United States and we can go to any of them--they are each unique so it never gets dull. But with our memberships currently frozen due to covid-19, and my own exercise options limited for 3 months after surgery, I don't want my remaining muscles to atrophy and I want to continue to set a good example for the kids.
  Normally, my exercise consists of things I like to do. If I don't enjoy it, I don't do it. I like swimming, bodyboarding/surfing, hiking, foraging, walking, and occasional tennis and bicycling. I don't live somewhere I can ski anymore and with global warming it seems sledding and outdoor ice skating is off the list too. I'm no longer agile enough to perform trapeze stunts, but I can handle an infrequent cartwheel or rope swing into the lake. Social distancing has eradicated meeting up for a climb, swim, or hike with friends.
  My older kids' school (online for now) asks them to complete 20 minutes of exercise from a workout video. The younger two have no real requirements. Anything required will be despised, it's human nature, so I am happy for that. Look around the house for things you haven't used in awhile--maybe you have a hoola hoop laying around? How about the classic game of Twister?

We still go to empty beaches,
hike less-traveled trails, and
wander woods and fields in
search of wild spring edibles.
But sometimes it is too cold,
rainy, or depressing to want
to go out. I can utilize exercises
given to me by my wonderful
PT, Jane. But for a family indoor
activity, we need something

  I have long been a fan of comedian Nathan Barnatt. I loved his YouTube channel long before I found out he is vegan. Originally from Milford, MA, Nathan has appeared locally at Game Underground and filmed himself dancing in his underwear at locations like a Rhode Island CVS or the Natick Mall!

  Here are a few awesome videos of Nathan's that will make you want to get up and move, indoors or out. Just don't bust a rib laughing or do anything else too dangerous that could land you in the ER right now!!
  Nathan Barnatt: Kimberly Cole dance audition, Que Veux Tu music video (my all-time favorite), Gymnasty, Super Mario, The DancebulanceFreestyle Friday, Back Pain Wayne....
  The list goes on and on. We all have to get creative during the pandemic to find ways to stay active and healthy while boosting morale.

  Are you playing games with your kids more often while stuck inside? I just found a new card game called Fruits and Vegetables Quartet for only $6 on Amazon. Even if you have no interest in playing the 3 suggested games, the cards are packed with nutrition information! Check it out...

  We have a few other games that reinforce healthy eating and environmental awareness. One that the kids have always loved is the cooperative game Harvest Time...

  What are some of your family's favorite indoor pasttimes right now? Ours include baking, doing puzzles, playing music, practicing languages on Duolingo, and a variety of arts & crafts.

  And how about a recipe... I made a minestrone soup late last night and we're eating it for Saturday breakfast, lol...

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Easy Minestrone

1 T. olive oil
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1 large carrot, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 tsp. salt
1 15oz. can petite diced tomatoes
1 15oz. can dark red kidney beans, drained & rinsed
1 tsp. dried basil
1 large clove garlic
1 tsp. sherry vinegar (optional)
A few cups water to cover ingredients by a few inches
1/2 cup small-shaped pasta (ie. ditalini)

In a medium/large pot over medium/low heat, add first 5 ingredients. Saute, stirring occasionally, until onion is soft. 
Add next 6 ingredients (or 5 if omitting vinegar). Increase heat to high, bring to a boil.
Add pasta. Reduce heat to medium. Cook 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

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Add other vegetables if you have them, such as zucchini or other diced squash. Want more protein or don't have kidney beans? Add chickpeas or double the number and variety of beans. This recipe is quick and uses all shelf-stable ingredients and vegetables that last for weeks in the fridge to reduce your supermarket trips during the pandemic.

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